Known-Unknown Place

What is KUK?

Known-unknown Monster (aka. KUK ) NFT is the first breeding NFT & TCG(Trading Card Game) base on BTC ordinals NFTs

KUKs include an excellent breeding system and a sophisticated battle system. KUK players can use their cards to battle other players to earn points, which can be used for breeding or drawing new KUK NFTs.

KUK Monster

Breed System

KUK has a outstanding breeding system that allows players to breed their KUK NFTs to create new KUKs. The breeding system is based on the rarity of the KUKs

Players can use their points to breed their KUKs to create new KUKs with different attributes and abilities.

KUK Battle
KUK Battle

KUK Battle Ground

KUK Battle Ground is an auto-chess blockchain game where players enhance their KUK-NFT and command them in battle. By purchasing and combining different equipment and items, players can win battles and earn rewards.


KUK Explorer

Download KUK Explorer App

KUK Explorer

Explor Your KUK on Mobile

KUK Garden is an App base on KUK NFT. We made this app for showcase your KUK's card easy to play with your friend even online gaming.

KUK Explorer